In this guide, we’re going to talk about Legendary Transmogs in WoW Cataclysm Classic. You may have heard of them, and maybe seen other players wielding them in boss fights, but didn’t know they were rare.
Cataclysm was the last expansion to feature legendary weapons in a while, and these weapons are still obtainable and transmogged to this day.
While some of the old legendary weapons are no longer viable equipment options, they all have a unique look, making them still valuable to transmog collectors. Here, I’ll go over each weapon and guide you through obtaining them. Without further ado, let’s get straight into it!
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest is a legendary staff. This staff is made from a branch of World Tree Nordrassil, infused with the spirit of the blue dragon Tarecgosa.
To obtain it, you’ll have to complete a few quests and spend a few weeks grinding, but none of these are too difficult. As a reminder, it will definitely help you get more done to buy WoW Cataclysm Classic gold ahead of time.
Getting Started Questline
To start the questline, take your Druid, Mage, Priest, Shaman or Warlock to Firelands and take down Molten Lord. Doing so will automatically give you the quest, Your Time Has Come. I’m not sure if bringing an Evoker to the group will also give you this quest, though.
You can also complete one of the three achievements, Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight or Throne of the Four Winds, and then talk to Coridormi or Ziradormi to start the quest, A Legendary Engagement, which will put you on the path to unlocking the legendary.
Once you complete the quest A Legendary Engagement, you’ll be sent to Caverns of Time to talk to Anachronos, who will give you the quest, A Wrinkle in Time. Watch a short cutscene, and then we can finally get some action with the quest, All-Seeing Eye.
To complete this quest, you must collect 25 Eternal Ember from Firelands raid boss, as well as buy 3 Sands of Time from Yasmin in Uldum. Bring the reagents back to Anachronos, who will send you on a quest to find Tarecgosa.
Next, Through a Glass, Darkly quest requires you to complete Nexus Dungeon through a scenario and observe a vision after defeating Thyrinar, all of which are fairly easy at max level.
Once you’ve completed that, pick up Actionable Intelligence and find Kalecgos in Mount Hyjal. He’ll send you on a quest to complete the hard part of the questline, Delegation. For this quest, your goal is to recover Branch of Nordrassil, which drops from a monster called Volcanus.
Collecting Charged Focus
To find Volcanus, however, you must obtain 4 different Charged Focus from Firelands raid. Similar to Shadowmourne questline, each step here requires you to keep the boss alive and use their mechanics to obtain the item.
If you want to do all of them in one go, be sure to bring a friend along. Because getting one of Charged Focus requires having an ally by your side.
Now, let’s take a look at how to get these 4 Charged Focus.
- Charged Rhyolite Focus
Charged Rhyolite Focus is obtained during the fight with Lord Rhyolith. Engage the boss, but don’t kill him. Pick up Rhyolite Fragments on the ground, and once you have three, you can combine them into a Dull Rhyolite Focus.
Now, be ready to throw this item in front of the boss when he uses Concussive Stomp skill. If done correctly, the explosion on the item will turn it into a Charged Rhyolite Focus. Once you pick it up, you can then kill the boss.
- Charged Chitinous Focus
You get Charged Chitinous Focus during the fight with Beth’tilac. Engage her like the previous boss, but don’t kill her.
During the fight, she will summon a Cinderweb Drone, which will spawn blue Obsidian-Flecked Chitin Fragments below when it dies. Collect the 3 fragments and merge them into a Dull Chitinous Focus.
Then climb to the top and wait here for the boss to cast Smoldering Devastration spell. Once she does, throw Focus in front of the boss. If done correctly, the item will become a Charged Chitinous Focus, pick it up and kill the boss.
- Charged Pyreshell Focus
The third one is Charged Pyreshell Focus, obtained from Alysrazor boss fight. As before, engage the boss, but don’t kill her, and don’t kill the eggs that spawn. Wait for them to hatch and Pyreshell Fragments should appear on the ground. Pick up the 3 fragments and merge them into a Dull Pyreshell Focus.
To charge this focus, the boss must be at 90% of energy. Once it does this, throw Focus on the ground and when the boss reaches 100% energy shortly after, it will cast Full Power to recharge Focus. Pick up the now Charged Pyreshell Focus and kill the boss.
- Charged Emberstone Focus
For the final Focus, you’ll need a friend to step into the trap on the ground and fight Shannox for Charged Emberstone Focus.
Engage the boss like you did with the others and then leave him alone. Have your friend step into the trap on the ground and then release them. Doing this will leave an Emberstone Fragment on the ground. Repeat three times to combine the 3 fragments into a Dull Emberstone Focus.
With Focus, wait for the boss to cast Hurl Spear, then quickly throw Focus into the path of the spear! This can be a little tricky, so you may have to get your friend trapped a few times. Once you’ve got it right, pick up Charged Emberstone Focus and kill the boss.
Once you have all 4 Focuses in hand, you must head to Circle of Thorns in the raid and use Charged Focus to open the portal. On the other side, you’ll find Volcanus. After defeating him, you’ll loot Branch of Nordrassil.
Collect All Items
Next, return to Kalecgos to do the quest, Nordrassil’s Bough. You’ll then get the quests, Emergency Extraction and At One, which will take you to Frimarra with Kalecgos to witness the scene there.
Bind Essence of Tarecgosa to your Branch of Nordrassil, after which you’ll get the quest, Time Grows Short. The quest requires you to get 1000 Seething Cinders, which are dropped from bosses in Firelands raid at normal and heroic difficulty. Of course, you can run each difficulty once a week.
At normal difficulty, each boss drops an average of 20 Cinders and some WoW Cataclysm gold, while at heroic difficulty, each boss drops an average of 60 Cinders.
Once you’ve collected 1000 Cinders, return to Kalecgos to do Alignment and Heart of Flame quests. Heart of Flame is the final farming quest where you must return to Firelands raid, equip your new staff, Runestaff of Nordrassil, and take down the boss in your raid.
Each time you defeat a boss, you must use the staff’s unique ability to drain its essence. In the process, you’ll collect the required 250 Smouldering Essence. Once collected, you’ll need to take down Ragnaros one last time and obtain the item Heart of Flame.
Bring all of the items to Hallegosa in Orgrimmar or Stormwind, depending on your faction. Then you’re done! Upon completing the quest, you’ll receive the legendary staff, Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest.
Fangs Of The Father
Fangs of the Father are a pair of legendary daggers exclusive to Rogue. They are Golad, Twilight of Aspects for the mainhand, and Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages for the offhand.
Obtaining these weapons requires you to complete a relatively simple questline with just a little of grinding. First, take your Rogue to the Dragon Soul raid and speak with Lord Devrestrasz, who will give you the quest, Proving Your Worth.
The first quest is pretty simple, requiring you to use your Pickpocketing ability to steal a Cryptomancer’s Decoder Ring from Hagara the Stormbinder.
Once you have the ring, you proceed to the quest, A Hidden Message, during which you will visit Ethereals in either Orgrimmar or Stormwind who can help you recharge the ring. They will charge a small fee of 10,000 Cataclysm gold and wait 12 hours. You do not need to log in during these 12 hours.
Once the ring is recharged, go to Twilight Highlands to meet Corastrasza, who will give you a Singed Cipher. Use the ring to open the cipher to complete the quest.
Next are 5 relatively easy quests: To Ravenholdt, To Catch a Thief, Our Man in Gilneas, Assassinate Creed, and Deed is Done.
After completing all the quests, Wrathion will give you two epic daggers: Fear and Vengeance. The purpose of these two daggers is to upgrade throughout the quest line, making them legendary daggers, Golad and Tiriosh.
Cluster Clutch is one of the two farming quests that needs to be completed to obtain the legendary daggers. The quest requires you to obtain 333 Shadowy Gems, which are contained in Elementium Gem Clusters dropped by bosses in Dragon Soul raid. You can play the raid in 10-man and 25-man modes, and the boss will drop 1 cluster of gems in normal mode and up to 3 clusters in heroic mode.
Since each cluster will drop 3 to 9 Shadowy Gems, you will need about 3.5 25-man versions of Dragon Soul raid to complete the quest. This means that you will need 3 to 4 weeks to complete it.
In addition, there are several simple quests: Our Man in Karazhan, Blood of the Betrayer, and Victory in the Depths. Return to Wrathion after completing the quest and he will upgrade your dual daggers to Sleeper and Dreamer.
You will then be asked to get Elementium Gem Clusters again. This time, don’t open them. You need to get 60 clusters to complete the quest, which takes about 4 25-man raids.
Once you’ve done that, you must defeat Deathwing in the quest, Patricide. He will drop Fragment of Deathwing’s Jaw, which you need to return to Wrathion. With the last fragment, Wrathion will infuse your weapons with it, allowing them to become Golad and Tiriosh.
Rae’shalare, Death’s Whisper
Now there’s an enormous gap between Cataclysm and Shadowlands. No permanent legendaries were introduced, but it still brought class artifact weapons with many great skins and skins. Which brings us to this legendary bow, Rae’shalare, Death’s Whisper.
Since the weapon type is a bow, this legendary is exclusive to Hunters. Getting it is very simple. Defeat Sylvanas in Sanctum of Domination raid on any difficulty, and the weapon has a 3% chance of dropping.
I recommend taking a few friends along, especially since the fight with Fatescribe Roh-Kalo absolutely requires several players in phases 2 and 3 of the fight at a higher difficulty, where the runes must be moved before the time runs out.
That’s it for the complete guide to the new Legendary Transmog in WoW Cataclysm Classic. Hopefully, these guides will make it easier for you to get these legendary items. Good luck!