Your rising sign is the first sign in your birth chart and one of the big three signs that set the tone for the way the rest of your chart is interpreted, along with your sun and moon signs. The rising sign is the one closest to the eastern horizon when you are born, and it plays a pivotal role in the way an individual presents to the world in both formal and informal situations.
What Do Rising Signs Mean?
Shallow interpretations of the rising sign’s importance emphasize beauty or physical features, but the ascendant astrological sign encompasses the whole of a person’s environment and upbringing. It also represents the way those things lead to a person’s choice of presentation in the world, so while physical appearance does play a role in that, the rising sign’s influence on physical appearance tends to involve those things one can control like mode of dress and bearing, not hereditary anatomical features. You can learn more about your rising sign’s importance by looking at a free birth chart.
What Your Rising Sign Says About You
Each rising sign has a set of traits associated with it. Astrologically specific advice like psychic readings for Aquarius can help you sort out those details with someone who has a lot of experience working with your sign’s influence on a chart.
Earth Signs
The earth signs are known for their dedication, which can come out as stubbornness, as well as their ability to get the job done. Each one has a different approach to this, though. Virgos are more organization-minded and reliable than the other two. Taurus is also known for reliability when it shows up as a rising sign, but Taurus’s dependability is in the caretaking and family relationships, whereas for Virgo it is very much in the career realm. Capricorns, on the other hand, are known for their drive and commitment to doing the work most of all.
Fire Signs
Being both blunt and prone to bravery makes it easy for Aries rising signs to organize people under pressure. Leo, on the other hand, tends to bring the fun side of a fiery personality with a risk-taking confidence that is more suited to a daredevil than a tactician. Lastly, Sagittarius represents the warming, lively side of fire with a combination of strong opinions and a bright, optimistic outlook.
Water Signs
Water signs tend to be the most nurturing and traditional, but also the most intense and the most prone to holding onto their mysteries. Whether that is the dreamy wide-focused attention of a Pisces or the intensity of a Scorpio, they do have those things in common.
Air Signs
Fair-minded but detached is a way to describe most air signs in an ascendant placement. Gemini is curious and bright. Libra tends to be the least decisive and the most romantic of the batch. Lastly, Aquarius is the most independent and also the most community-minded when it comes to caring for others.
Rising Signs and Your Horoscope
Understanding the way your rising sign influences the traits brought by your sun and moon signs can help you get more out of a Virgo daily horoscope or any other sign-specific advice. Check out today’s horoscope to see how this information changes your interpretation.