LMPC, which stands for Legal Metrology Packaged Commodity, is a certification required by companies engaged in importing pre-packaged goods into India. As per Rule 27 of the Legal Metrology Packaged Commodity Rules established by the Department of Consumer Affairs, it is obligatory for these companies to apply for LMPC Import License Certification within 90 days before commencing the importation of pre-packaged goods.
The Legal Metrology Act of 2009 outlines the laws, rules, and regulations to be adhered to for obtaining an LMPC Import License Certification. However, it’s noteworthy that some states have introduced modified laws to align with their specific requirements while serving the same purpose.
What are pre-packaged goods?
A pre-packaged commodity, as per the definition in the Act, refers to a product that is placed in a package, whether sealed or not, without the buyer being present. The package contains a predetermined quantity of the item. Examples of such goods encompass a variety of items like baby food, fuel, food products, paint, bagged cement, cables, wires, chemicals, wool, and more.
Requirements for Obtaining an Importer License in India.
Prior to importing goods into India, importers are required to adhere to the regulations outlined in the Legal Metrology Packaged Commodity (LMPC) certificate rules of 2011. The necessary declarations that must be furnished include:
- Indication of the product’s country of origin.
- Comprehensive details about the manufacturer, encompassing both name and address.
- Specific location details of the manufacturer’s address.
- Mention of the month and year in which the product was manufactured.
- Specification of the year slated for the importation of the product.
- Adhering to these guidelines ensures compliance and facilitates a smooth importation process.
- Maximum retail price (MRP)
LMPC Certificate Requirements.ย
To secure the Importer LMPC License, ensure you submit the following paperwork:
- Certificate of incorporation
- Any additional business licenses relevant to your operations
- A completed application form
- Demand draft (DD) for the application fee
- Essential details for the package’s display pane.
How to apply for an LMPC certificate online?
Follow these steps to obtain an LMPC certificate online:
Step 1: Complete and send the application form to the Metrology Director.
Step 2: Provide the necessary documents for LMPC registration.
Step 3: Fulfill the LMPC registration fees.
Please be mindful that if the application contains incomplete or inaccurate information, it will be returned to the applicant entity within 7 days of receipt for necessary corrections.
Validity Of LMPC Import License
The LMPC import license certification is valid for a maximum of 5 years which is 60 months and a minimum of 1 year which is 12 months.
Rule violations and penaltiesย ย
Failure to adhere to the regulations outlined in the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Rules will result in fines as follows:
- An infringement of rules 27 to 31 incurs a penalty of INR 4,000.
- Violation of other provisions, not specified under the Act or Rules, leads to a fine of INR 2,000.
- Applying for an LMPC certificate more than 90 days after import commencement attracts a late fee (INR 5,000 in Delhi).
Professional Utilities will help you get the LMPC certificate at a minimal cost and help you avoid the hassle during customs clearance.